1. Very easy to find 2. Easy to find 3. Rare 4. Very Rare 5. Extremely Rare 6. Happy ever to have seen one 7. Never seen before
1. Fair - A parts pen 2. Good - Well used, imprints may be almost gone, plating wear 3. Fine - Used, parts show wear 4. Excellent - Imprints good, writes well, looks great 5. Near Mint - Slightest signs of use 6. Mint - No sign of use
No dings, no dents, no cracks Fully restored and working condition for daily use
Montblanc Masterpiece 146
1950s Vintage
with plastic seal
"Collectible Stars"
2. Easy to find
3. Rare
4. Very Rare
5. Extremely Rare
6. Happy ever to have seen one
7. Never seen before
2. Good - Well used, imprints may be almost gone, plating wear
3. Fine - Used, parts show wear
4. Excellent - Imprints good, writes well, looks great
5. Near Mint - Slightest signs of use
6. Mint - No sign of use
No dings, no dents, no cracks
Fully restored and working condition for daily use
関東:茨城 栃木 群馬 千葉 東京 神奈川 山梨
信越:新潟 長野
北陸:富山 石川 福井
東海:静岡 愛知 岐阜 三重
四国:徳島 香川 愛媛 高知
九州:福岡 佐賀 長崎 熊本 大分 宮崎 鹿児島